Baseline Surveys in PrachuapKhiri Khan and Chumphon Provinces
Although the number of fishing boats registered by trawls has continuously decreased during last decades, the demersal fish stocks are in declining state. Closed area in the Upper Western Gulf of Thailand, including PrachuapKhiri Khan and Chumphon Province, has been effective almost 30 years. However, it seems that it is not sufficient to sustain fisheries resources. Several issues demonstrating the decadence of fisheries resources have been discussed. Huge amount of trash fish, overfishing, lower CPUE and sub-adult economic fish being caught are all sign that management actions are needed. Enlargement of cod-end mesh size is a possible management measure to restore the resources and to ensure sustainable fisheries in the country.
Noranarttragoon, P. (2015). Baseline surveys in PrachuapKhiri Khan and Chumphon Provinces. Bangkok: Department of Fisheries.
- Country Activities [95]