Refrigeration for Local Fishing Boats
In the industrialized nations and affluent regions in the developing world, refrigeration is chiefly used to store foodstuffs at low temperatures, thus inhibiting the destructive action of bacteria, yeast, and mold. Many perishable products may be frozen, permitting them to be kept for months and even years with little loss in nutrition or flavor or change in appearance. Why do substances become cool? We feel cold when our skin is sterilized by alcohol before we have an injection. This because the alcohol on the skin is evaporated into the vapor state by the heat, which is absorbed from skin. The heat that is required to evaporate the liquid to vaporize is called latent heat of evaporation. Latent heat is the characteristic amount of energy absorbed or released by a substance during a change in its physical state that occurs without changing its temperature.
- Marine Engineering [34]