
dc.identifier.citationReport On The Public Consultation Meeting Of The Samar Sea Fisheries Management Plan. (2016). Training Department, Southease Asian Fisheries Development Center.
dc.description.abstractThe public consultation was intended to present the achievements and status of the REBYC-II CTI Project, particularly the SSFMP to stakeholders of Samar Sea and request their engagement in its implementation. Representatives from the municipalities under the Alliance, event officers from the he Municipalities and Office of the Governor Academe, Law Enforcers, BFAR RFO 8 staff, Municipal and Commercial fishermen groups, NGOs, BFAR Central Office, and the REBYC-II CTI TWG attended. The achievements of the project were presented and the participants were informed of the completion of the project. It was emphasized, however, that the implementation of the SSFMP remains with the Alliance and BFAR RFO 8, with priority measures like the 4-months closed season. The Samar Sea Fisheries Roadmap was also presented. Key elements of the Plan including the management measures and their mechanisms of implementation, monitoring and evaluation plans were highlighted. The provincial government of Samar though the Governor, Hon. Sharee Ann Tan supported the SSFMP and the Roadmap. She requested BFAR for a detailed proposal on Marine Protected Areas, Mangrove Reforestation and Fish Sanctuary for possible funding coming from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.en
dc.subjectFisheries Management
dc.titleReport On The Public Consultation Meeting Of The Samar Sea Fisheries Management Plan Maqueda Bay Hotel Conference Hall, Catbalogan City, Samar October 13, 2016en
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
dc.contributor.corporateauthorFAO/GEF REBYC-II CTI PROJECTen

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