Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Thailand: National Report Bycatch Management in Trawl Fisheries in the Gulf of Thailand
The report is synthesized and reviewed background of the trawl fisheries in the Gulf of Thailand using existing primary and secondary data sources and scientific reports. It covers fishery biology, fishing ground, species ...
Bycatch Management and Discard Reduction Strategies National Report - Philippines
Capture fisheries in the Philippines is administratively divided into commercial and municipal sectors on the basis of vessel gross tonnage. As defined in the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998, commercial fisheries include ...
National Report on Bycatch Management and Reduction of Discard , Jakarta
The issue of bycatch and discards in the trawl fisheries involving small-scale boats is significantly different from the trawl fisheries conducted by industrial fishing companies. Shrimp is the most expected catch among ...
National Report on By-catch Management and Reduction of Discards
National Report on by-catch management and reduction of discards