
dc.identifier.citationSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center. (2017). Practical Training on Energy Audits for Fishing Vessels.Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
dc.descriptionA five days practical training course was organized at SEAFDEC/TD Samutprakan Province from 23 -27 January 2017, with full financial support by the FAO REBYC-II CTI Project. This was aimed at providing technology transfer on the process and method of fishing vessels energy audits to both fishery officers of REBYC-II CTI member countries (Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam) and non-REBYC member countries (Malaysia and Myanmar). Thetraining program consisted of 3 modules: presentations, practice demonstration at workshop and onboard fishing vessel, and discussion. The training program focused on capacity building of human resource in capture fishery on reducing the burning of fossil fuel used in capture fisheries by increasing the fuel efficiency (energy saving) including monitoring of the fuel consumption. The participants were given practical sessions on fuel consumption monitoring and data collection through practical test at sea and analysis on fishing vessel energy audits process. The participants successfully consolidated learning in a progressive manner on fishing vessel energy audits process. This report presents the course outlines, methodology and details of the content of each training day. Results and recommendations from this practical training will be taken to improve the training program on fishing vessel energy audits in future. Details of the presentations from lecturers are as follows: - Sharing the information and recommendations for fishing vessels carbon emission and its reduction - Introduction to fishing vessels energy audits - Sharing the results of SEAFDEC and FAO fishing vessels energy audits for pilot project on Thai trawl vessels. Theory on basic engine maintenance, periodical checks and engine trouble shooting of marine engines - Demonstration and practice on basic engine maintenance, periodical check, trouble shooting, engine performance test for fuel consumption measure. Energy efficiency and energy saving for fishing operation - Increasing fuel efficiency through the implementation of gears design/materials/ construction/fishing operation - Practical training for installation of onboard equipment/tools for fishing vessels energy audits - Ship on board training - Results of fishing vessel fuel audits for fuel consumption and catch profile at sea trial tested. - Conclusion on fishing vessels fuel audits as well as recommendation and clarification for future work.en
dc.subjectfishing vessels
dc.subjectEnergy Audits
dc.subjectTrawl Vessels
dc.titlePractical Training on Energy Audits for Fishing Vessels,January 23-27, 2017en
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
dc.contributor.corporateauthorSEAFDEC, GEF, FAO,REBYC-II CTIen

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