Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Data Requirements for Catch Documentation and Traceability in Southeast Asia
This document presents a framework and glossary for the critical tracking events (CTEs) and key data elements (KDEs) that are being proposed/suggested for capture during the demonstration and testing phase of USAID ...
Indonesia Value Chain Assessment: Key Data Elements Gaps Analysis
This report presents a summary of learning site data collection audits, conducted in Bitung, Indonesia, together with a Key Data Element (KDE) gap analysis, and recommendations and solutions for continuous improvement to ...
Workshop Report: Southeast Asia Fisheries Management Planning Workshop
The Southeast Asia Fisheries Management Planning Workshop: Taking the Sub-Regional Approach was successfully conducted by the Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) and the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development ...
Workshop Report: Regional Gender Strategies Implementation Workshop
(-, 2017-11-22)
The Regional Workshop on Gender Strategies Implementation of the USAID Oceans Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) was held on 21-22 August 2017 at Jasmine City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. It was attended by 59 representatives ...
Fisheries Catch Documentation and Traceability in Southeast Asia: Technical Concept and Specifications (CDT 201)
(-, 2017-12-19)
The “CDT201″outlines USAID Oceans’ technical approach and specifications to designing, testing, and implementing a CDTS with public and private partners in Southeast Asia. This document follows USAID Oceans’ Fisheries Catch ...