
dc.contributor.authorUSAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership
dc.identifier.citationUSAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership. (2017). Indonesia Fisheries Management Profile Summary Learning Site: Bitung, Indonesia.en
dc.descriptionThis summary provides an overview of the Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management Systems in Indonesia, conducted to assess the status of the capture fisheries subsector in the Indonesian Fisheries Management Area (FMA) or Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP) 716. The study assessed the tuna fishery sector, as well as the small pelagic fishery in that management area, as purse seine fishing is employed to catch small pelagic species. The study sought to identify potential points of intervention in the production and market chains and provide critical information from these leverage points. The project employed the Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries Management (RAFMS) framework within the value chain context to profile the capture fisheries and tuna industry in the area, as well as determine gaps toward the development of a Catch Documentation and Traceability system. These outputs will contribute to strengthening of fisheries management system in order to address the issues of IUU fishing and the development of a sustainable catch and traceability system in support of the goals of the USAID Oceans program.en
dc.subjectFisheries Management Systemsen
dc.subjectFisheries Management Area (FMA)en
dc.subjectRapid Appraisal for Fisheries Management (RAFMS)en
dc.titleIndonesia Fisheries Management Profile Summary Learning Site: Bitung, Indonesiaen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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