
dc.description.abstractThe work on fishery oceanography is only at the initial stage in the southeast Asia, despite a number of studies on fisheries resources and the oceanic properties which have greatly expanded since the 1960s. On the other hand, there is a pressing requirement to know more on the effects of various parameters of oceanic environment which play an important role in determining the productivity of resources available to fisheries in all regions. The coastal areas of the Gulf of Thailand up to the 40-meter depth were studied extensively by the Thai Department of Fisheries during the past two decades. The central part of the Gulf, however, was studied less. The SEAFDEC Training Department therefore initiated a joint survey of the central part of the Gulf in 1984, in cooperation with the Thai Department of Fisheries and other research institutes in Thailand, with a view to collect and compile information on fishery oceanography of this area for further study in the future. The first volume, published as a Research Paper Series No.4 in July 1985, contained the reports on the investigations on stock density of demersal fishes, marine bivalves, and results of bottom vertical longline experiments in the central part of the Gulf of Thailand. The fisheries oceanographic condition, distribution of nutrients and dissolved organic carbon as well as the distribution of phytoplankton in this area are also presented. In addition, a study on food composition found in the stomach of squids is included. The present volume contains the reports on the topographic survey in the central part of the Gulf, the organic carbon contents of sediments, benthic fauna, primary and tertiary productions. Results of investigations on fish eggs and larvae, fish samples obtained from the cruise, round scad and evaluation of demersal fish stock also presented. It is our sincere hope that this Report would serve as a stepping stone in fulfilling the information gap for better understanding of the Gulf of Thailand.en
dc.publisherTraining Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectOceanography Surveyen
dc.subjectGulf of Thailanden
dc.titleReport of the Thai-SEAFDEC Joint Fishery Oceanographic Survey in the Central Gulf of Thailand (Volume II)en
dc.contributor.corporateauthorSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Training Department



