
dc.contributor.authorSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Training Department
dc.identifier.citationSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center. (2018). Report on the Regional Technical Meeting Collaborative Research Survey on Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environment in the Gulf of Thailand (Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam Waters). Samut Prakan: Training Department.en
dc.descriptionThe Regional Technical Meeting on the Collaborative Research Survey on Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environment in the Gulf of Thailand (Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam Waters) was envisaged to: 1) Finalize the research activities, cruise plan, , areas, and stations, cruise by utilizing M.V. SEAFDEC 2 for the Collaborative Research Survey on Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environment in the Gulf of Thailand; 2) Finalize the sampling methods and time management, Standard operational procedure; 3) Appoint the representatives and researchers from participating countries, namely: Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam to be onboard M.V. SEAFDEC 2; 4) Agree upon the information and data sharing schemes among Participating Countries and agencies; 5) Discuss on responsibilities of researchers onboard at each station through the cruise survey; 6) Discuss on administration, customs, immigration and port clearance including logistics arrangement (researchers, equipment, samplings loading/unloading) and supply of provisions. The Expected Outputs of the Meeting were: 1) The proposed research topics which agreed by all Participating Countries; 2) List of responsible researchers on each proposed research topics; 3) The tentative cruise plan of M.V. SEAFDEC 2 to conduct Collaborative Research Survey on Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environment in the Gulf of Thailand (Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam Waters); 4) Agreed protocol to administrate the port entry, i.e. customs, immigration, port clearance including logistics arrangement (researchers, equipment, samplings loading/unloading) and supply of provisions. 5) Update the survey permission of each Participating Countries 6) Identify issues and constraints on the fisheries resources survey and their solutions: 7) Researchers of Cambodia, Thailand and Viet Nam have opportunity to exchange idea on fisheries resources and marine environmentalen
dc.publisherTraining Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectCollaborative Researchen
dc.subjectResearch Surveyen
dc.subjectmarine fisheriesen
dc.subjectmarine environmenten
dc.subjectFisheries Resourcesen
dc.subjectGulf of Thailanden
dc.subjectM.V. SEAFDEC 2en
dc.titleReport on the Regional Technical Meeting Collaborative Research Survey on Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environment in the Gulf of Thailand (Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam Waters)en
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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