Now showing items 461-560 of 995

    mariculture (2)
    marine crustaceans (2)
    marine ecology (2)
    marine invertebrates (2)
    Mathematical analysis (2)
    Monitoring Control and Surveillance (2)
    Monitoring system (2)
    navigation (2)
    Nemipterus hexodon (2)
    nutrients (2)
    Oceanographic (2)
    Oceanographic surveys (2)
    oceanography (2)
    Oceanography Survey (2)
    Oscillatoria erythraea (2)
    Ostracoda (2)
    overexploitation (2)
    parasites (2)
    Peninsular Malaysia (2)
    petroleum (2)
    physical oceanography (2)
    plankton (2)
    Pollution effects (2)
    Polychaeta (2)
    Porifera (2)
    Priacanthus tayenus (2)
    primary productivity (2)
    Proceeding (2)
    Project evaluation (2)
    Purse seine (2)
    Push net (2)
    Quantitative distribution (2)
    Rastrelliger kanagurta (2)
    Regional Fishing Vessel Record (2)
    remote sensing (2)
    Repository (2)
    Research Vessel (2)
    resources (2)
    Resources Management (2)
    ribosomal RNA (2)
    Sardinella (2)
    Sardinella gibbosa (2)
    Saurida undosquamis (2)
    Scomberomorus commerson (2)
    Scombridae (2)
    Sea grass (2)
    Sea Turtle (2)
    Sea turtle (2)
    Sediment properties (2)
    sediment sampling (2)
    sedimentology (2)
    Sediments (2)
    seed production (2)
    Set-net (2)
    Shrimp Trawl (2)
    Singapore (2)
    site selection (2)
    Skipjack tuna (2)
    Slope of Fish Passage (2)
    Small-scale fishing (2)
    statistical analysis (2)
    stocking density (2)
    Study trip (2)
    Sun-photometer (2)
    technology (2)
    temperature effects (2)
    Thai Turtle Free Devices (2)
    Thalassionema frauenfeldii (2)
    Thunnus albacares (2)
    Thunnus tonggol (2)
    trade (2)
    training courses (2)
    trap nets (2)
    traps (2)
    Trawl fishing (2)
    Trawl net (2)
    TTFD (2)
    upwelling (2)
    vessel (2)
    VMS (2)
    water circulation (2)
    water column conditions (2)
    water mixing (2)
    water stratification (2)
    winds (2)
    working status (2)
    Yellowfin tuna (2)
    กระแสน้ำที่เกิดจากลม (2)
    การจัดการทรัพยากร (2)
    การตรวจวัดพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ (2)
    การทำประมง (2)
    การประมง (2)
    การผสมผสานของมวลน้ำ (2)
    การฝึกอบรม (2)
    การฟื้นฟู (2)
    การสำรวจระยะไกล (2)
    การเก็บรักษาสัตว์น้ำ (2)
    การเลือกพื้นที่ (2)