Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Trawled Fishes of the Southeast Asian Water - II (300-1200 M.)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2009)
Trawled Fishes of the Southeast Asian Water - I (100-300 M.)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2009)
Deep-sea Fishery Resources Exploration in the Southeast Asian Waters
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2010)
The project on “Deep-sea fishery resources exploration in the Southeast Asian Region” has been active since the 2007s with funding support from the Japanese Trust Fund. The overall objectives of the project are to collect ...
Alleviating Poverty in Fisheries Communities
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2010)
SEAFDEC/TD has been enhancing the people’s participation in various activities in fisheries communities. Specifically, SEAFDEC has intensified its efforts in facilitating the creation of job opportunities and establishing ...
Encouraging People’s Participation in Coastal Resources Management
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2010)
SEAFDEC/TD has been promotion the systematic voluntary participation of local people in the management of local institutions in order to proactively strengthen community development and resource management. The fishermen’s ...
Promotion of the Use of Circle Hook in Southeast Asia
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2009)
Many studies on the use of circle hooks in pelagic longline fishery have demonstrated that the use of circle hooks can significantly contributed to reducing sea turtle interactions compared to industry standard J-hooks. ...
Sea Turtle Conservation and Management
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2008)
Sea Turtle are important marine animals, not only under CITES agreement but also in the Southeast Asian region as traditional living resources. SEAFDEC has, within the regional approach, coordinated and compiled information ...
ลักษณะพื้นทะเล และความชุกชุมของสัตว์น้ำหน้าดินในอ่าวไทย โดยใช้กล้องบันทึกวิดิทัศน์ใต้น้ำ (Seafloor Characteristic and Abundance of Epifauna in the Gulf of Thailand by Under Water VDO Camera)
(สำนักงานฝ่ายฝึกอบรม, ศูนย์พัฒนาการประมงแห่งเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้, 2014)
กล้องวิดิทัศน์ใต้น้ำ Sea Viewer Under Water System ถูกติดเข้ากับโครงเลื่อน และ 150 วัตต์ เพื่อบันทึกภาพพื้นทะเล และสัตว์น้ำหน้าดิน ขณะเรือลอยลำ บริเวณจุดสำรวจ 13 จุด ในอ่าวไทย หลอดไฟฮาโลเจน ที่มีความลึก 20-71 เมตร ...
Sea Water Sherbet
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2014)
Maintaining freshness quality of fish in fishery is important target in raising sale value. Increasing cooling contact among liquid ice on fish skin is to maintain lower fish’s body temperature as deep-chill. Slurry ice ...
Trend Analysis of Slope Net Depth, According to Flow Condition in Rayong Set-Net
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2014)
11years have passed since the technology transfer of Japanese‐type SET‐NET to Rayong, Thailand. The daily catch data has been recorded by EMDEC. Before the start of acoustic survey for fish amount and distribution of around ...