03 Technical Publications and Reports on Fishery Management and Enhancement: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 185
Report of the Workshop on Regional Cooperation for Implementation of Port State Measures to Improve Fisheries Management and Reduce IUU Fishing in Southeast Asia
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2016-11)The Workshop on Regional Cooperation for Implementation of Port State Measures to Improve Fisheries Management and Reduce IUU Fishing in Southeast Asia was convened by the SEAFDEC in collaboration with ASEAN and the ... -
Report on the Study Trip to the Malaysia of Locally Based Coastal Resource management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-08)Purpose of the Study Trip to Malaysia 1.1) Under the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Fishing Consultative Group scheme, the SEAFDEC/Training Department(TD) and the Department of Fisheries in Thailand (DOF) have implemented a collaborative ... -
Report on the Study Trip to the Philippines of Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-01)Purpose of the Study Trip 1.1 Under the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Fishing Consultative Group Mechanism, SEAFDEC/Trainning Department (TD) and the Department of Fisheries in Thailand (DOF) have just started a coastal resource management ... -
Quarterly Report No.4 Jul-Sept 2002 of Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew District, Chumphon Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-10)This is a quarterly report of the activities of the LBCRM-PD(Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew Districts, Chumporn Province), during the period from July to September 2002. During this quarterly ... -
Quarterly Report No.3 Apr-Jun 2002 of Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew District, Chumphon Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-07)This is a quarterly report of the activities of the LBCRM-PD(Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew Districts, Chumporn Province), during the period from April to June 2002. Almost 9 months have passed ... -
Quarterly Report No.2 Jan-Mar 2002 of Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew District, Chumphon Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-04)This is a quarterly report of the activities of the LBCRM-PD(Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew Districts, Chumporn Province), during the period from January to March 2002. During this period, the ... -
Quarterly Report No.1 Oct-Dec 2001 of Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew District, Chumphon Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-01)This is a quarterly report of the activities of the LBCRM-PD (Locally Based Coastal Resource Management in Pathew Districts, Chumporn Province), during the period from October to December 2001. During this period, members ... -
การพัฒนาระบบส่งเสริมสำหรับโครงการจัดการทรัพยากรประมงชายฝั่งโดยชุมชนตำบลปากคลอง อำเภอปะทิว จังหวัดชุมพร
(สำนักงานฝ่ายฝึกอบรม, ศูนย์พัฒนาการประมงแห่งเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้, 2002)จากการที่ศูนย์พัฒนาการประมงเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้(ซีฟเดค) ได้ร่วมมือกับกรมประมงจัดทำโครงการจัดการทรัพยากรประมงชายฝั่งโดยชุมชน อำเภอปะทิว จังหวัดชุมพร ภายใต้แนวพระราชดำริของพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวฯ และกำหนดแผนจัดทำกิจก ... -
Catch-effort Analysis using a Microcomputer Program
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1983-05)In the present paper, the author introduces two original programs for the micro-computer which stocks as well as their annual changes, using catch and fishing effort data "by statistical areas". With these programs, several ... -
Pre-survey of the Community to Formulate Implementation Plans and Activities of the LBCRM Project:Project Site in Pathew District, Chumporn Province
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-09)The pre-survey of the community is a rapid and simple method to charactirize the socio-economic status and environmental conditions in Pakklong Sub-district, Pathew District. The results of the pre-survey are fundamental ... -
People’s Groups and Community-Based Arrangements In Tambol Pakklong, Pathew District, Chumporn Province
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-09)The purpose of this volume is to describe the situation of people’s groups and community-based arrangements currently existing in Tambol Pakklong, Pathew District, Chumporn Province. -
การตลาดและการใช้ประโยชน์สินค้าสัตว์น้ำในท้องที่ตำบลปากคลอง อำเภอปะทิว จังหวัดชุมพร
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002)การศึกษาด้านการตลาดและการใช้ประโยชน์ของสินค้าสัตว์น้ำนี้ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการศึกษาข้อมูลพื้นฐานด้านสังคมและเศรษฐกิจของชุมชนประมงภายใต้โครงการจัดการทรัพยากรประมงชายฝั่งโดยชุมชน บริเวณตำบลปากคลอง อำเภอปะทิว จังหวัดชุมพร ก ... -
Background and Project Proposal of Locally Based Coastal Resources Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD)
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2002-07)This volume contains the basic information on the collaborative project between SEAFDEC/Training Department (TD) and the Department of Fisheries (DOF) in Thailand under the title “Locally Based Coastal Resource Management ... -
Attitudes of Small-scale Fishery Toward the Fishing Rights System a Case Study on Fishery Households in Chanthaburi Province
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1997-12)The study on attitudes of small-scale fishery toward the fishing rights system : A case study on fishery households in Chantaburi Province to clarify the socio-economic conditions, to study the attitude of small-scale ... -
Perspective of Fishers Organizations Integrated to Coastal Fisheries Management: through Experience Gained in Thailand
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1996-11)The purpose of the discussion which follows is to clarify the roles of fishers organizations in coastal fisheries management. Even if there is much disagreement over the appraisal of fishers organizations, whatever the ... -
The Development and Associated Problems Intensive Shrimp Culture in Thailand
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1993-05)In the past half-decade, the has industrialization of Thailand the progressed rapidly; one of the main contributory factors has been quick growth in foreign investment. As a result of this investment, Thailand has developed ... -
The Artificial Reefs Experiment in Thailand
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1991-07)This report contains the details, results and recommendations of an artificial reef experiment, which was performed as a contribution to advancing marine resources technology. It was conducted by a joint team comprising ... -
(สำนักงานฝ่ายฝึกอบรม, ศูนย์พัฒนาการประมงแห่งเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้, 2017-10)กรมประมงไทยภายใต้ความร่วมมือกับโครงการ USAID Oceans และ SEAFDEC ได้ร่วมกันจัดการประชุมเชิง ปฏิบัติการผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียกระบวนการวางแผนการจัดการประมง ระหว่างวันที่ 28 – 29 สิงหาคม 2560 ณ จังหวัดสงขลา โดยการประชุมเชิงปฏิ ... -
Report of the Experts Meeting on Regional Cooperation to Support the Implementation of Port State Measures in Southeast Asian Region
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2016-05)The “Experts Meeting on Regional Cooperation to Support the Implementation of Port State Measures in Southeast Asian Region” was convened on 2 to 4 February 2016, in Bangkok, Thailand. The Meeting was attended by representatives ... -
Regional Technical Consultation on the Regional Fishing Vessels Record : Use and Way Forward of RFVR Database as a Management Tool to Reduce IUU Fishing in Southeast Asian Region.
(Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2015-09)Regional Technical Consultation on the Regional Fishing Vessels Record : Use and Way Forward of RFVR Database as a Management Tool to Reduce IUU Fishing in Southeast Asian Region organized on 2-4 June 2015 at Chonburi, ...