Report on some Offshore Demersal Resources of the Andaman Sea
From 19 August to 24 September 1987, the SEAFDEC Training Department conducted shipboard training for the 1986-87 Regular Course Trainees (M.V. PAKNAM cruise order number 79-3/1987. A bottom trawl survey was made as part of the shipboard training. The training vessel, M.V. PAKNAM, carried out seventeen bottom trawl operations, four hauls for deep-sea fishing operations (along the continental slope) and the rest were shallow water fishing operations (over the continental shelf). The deep-sea trawlswere operated in order to introduce the trainees to the techniques for deep-sea trawl fishing, including those for deep-sea ichtyofauna species. This report covers the primary survey of deep water species by the Training Department. It gives some ideas of research on the deeper part which could be developed in the future.