Observation Report on Tuna Longline Fishing Operation Fishing Ground in the Bay of Bengal Onboard the Shinyo-Maru
Tokyo University of Fisheries has conducted shipboard training, fishing gear experiments and fishing ground surveys from the Shinyo-Maru in the Bay of Bengal since 1987. From these many technical papers in various fishery disciplines have been published. These reports are very important and of great benefit to those interested in the field of oceanic fisheries.
The Shinyo-Maru, a 649 gross tonnage training vessel of Tokyo University of Fisheries, left Tokyo on 18 January 1991 under the command of Professor Yujiro SAOTOME, the captain of the vessel, with 21 staff and 22 students. The vessel proceeded to the Bay of Bengal for shipboard training, fishing gear experiments and other studies as in previous years.
This year, the President of Tokyo University of Fisheries offered six places on board the shinyo-Maru to staff of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development center, Training Department (TD/SEAFDEC) and The Department of Fisheries, Thailand (D. O. F., Thailand) The six were to study and observe a new type of tuna longline fishing and the operation of modern oceanographic equipment such as CTD, XBT etc. The TD/SEAFDEC provided funds for food on board, travelling and a daily allowance for the six participants.