The Catalogue of Oceanographic Data of Northeast Indian Ocean
This catalogue contains some parts of the oceanographic data collected by MV.SEAFDEC during Cruise no. 17-10/1994, 18-11/1994, 19-1/1995, 20-2/1995, 21-2/1995, 28-10/1995, 29-1/1996, 30-2/1996, 37-9/1996, 39-2/1997 and 44-7/1997 between 1994-1997. These cruises were scheduled to carry out shipboard training for SEAFDEC trainees of various courses such as Fishing Technology, Marine Engineering, Hydroacoustic equipment use, Local fishermen, and Pelagic fishery courses and to conduct an oceanographic survey under the projects of Studies on fishing ground conditions along the cruise track of the training vessel. The survey areas were northeast Indian Ocean.
The results reported in this catalogue are numerical sequences by catalogue number. The catalogue no. was created from the year, the month and the number of the station, the first numbers (two digits) being the year, the next two digits being the month and the last two represent the station number during that month: for example, Catalogue no. 941001 refers to the 1^st station during October in 1994.