Carrying Capacity Estimation of Marine Finfish Cage Culture at Pathew Bay, Chumphon Province, Southern Thailand
Carrying capacity estimation of marine finfish cage culture was carried out twice at Pathew Bay, Chumphon Province during 2002-2003. The concept of oxygen budget to meet the maximum carrying capacity was used in estimation. It found that the present cage culture in the bay is 950 fish (size 250-1000 gm/fish) at FC2. And the fish is 450 fish (size 250-450 gm/fish) at FC4. When the carrying capacity estimation is concern, the culture fish is under the carrying capacity at FC2 for seabass around 33.4% or 54,250 gm (body weight). Grouper is cultured over the carrying capacity 28.0% or 84,000 gm (body weight). At FC, seabass is cultured over carrying capacity 67.1% or 135,900 gm (body weight) and grouper is cultured over carrying capacity 73.1% or 82,250 gm (body weight).
This result should show to fish farmers in order to understand the cultured condition. The number of cultured fish should be decreased to meet the carrying capacity.
Tookwinas, S., Songsangjinda, P., Kajonwattanakul, S., & Singharachai, C. (2004). Carrying Capacity Estimation of Marine Finfish Cage Culture at Pathew Bay, Chumphon Province, Southern Thailand. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.